Live Scan Fingerprinting Services
One Stop Live Scan is providing high-quality background check & fingerprinting services for employee verifications and any individual who needs background check services.
What We Do
We help keep neighborhoods safe with one fingerprint at a time. Our certified and trained operators scan fingerprints and conduct comprehensive background checks using these prints with databases from law enforcement agencies.
We offer the following:


Ink Fingerprinting

Background Checks

Mobile Live Scan

FBI Criminal History Report
(FBI Only)
Results available within 24hrs of processing. You or your attorney can now get a copy of your criminal history records on file with the FBI. With our expedited service, an individual can now receive their personal FBI Rap Sheet report within 24 hours fingerprint processing.

Criminal Records- Request Your Own (DOJ Only)
The standard processing time is two to five days
The Record Review is the official process used by the DOJ for individuals to check their own criminal background record. Individuals have the right to request a copy of their own criminal history record from DOJ. Please visit our One Stop Live Scan office and we’ll walk you through the process.

Passport Photo Services (Coming Soon)

Notary Services (Coming Soon)

How It Works
You have to follow a simple 3-step process to get the screening job done efficiently.
Our Promise
We provide our services with high efficiency and professionalism. When hiring us, employers can rest assured that the job candidate's background is thoroughly checked. We are also known for our quick results and quality of service.

Mobile Live Scan Service - LET US COME TO YOU
We are a Local Live Scan Company in Sacramento.
We can come to your place to scan your fingerprint.
We're available 7 days a week and can easily fit into your schedule.
Call/Text for Details!
(916) 842-7864
How do I check the status of my Live Scan results?
For California Applicants:
To check the status of your live scan, you can visit the DOJ website by clicking here.
You will need the following information:
Your date of birth
and the ATI number is on the bottom of the request for live scan form.